The Alpha Wolf of Wall Street


The Alpha Wolf of Wall Street


Use the law of assumption to turn your trading profession around to greater success.


In this one month program, you learn to use your assumption to create immense success for yourself as a trader. You can confidently expect to add zeros to the profits you record monthly. Add to your confidence and intuition a 100%, and gain the inner experience to be successful in the outer life.


Use the law of assumption to turn your trading profession around to greater success.

In this one month program, you learn to use your assumption to create immense success for yourself as a trader. You can confidently expect to add zeros to the profits you record monthly. Add to your confidence and intuition a 100%, and gain the inner experience to be successful in the outer life.

– Rise to the great consistent profits in trading.

– Multiply your power of intuitive insights to the nth degree for predictable success.

– Gain the top % success in your profession.

In this program, you have:


Two appointments with Adelere Adesina.

One workbook with exercises for a month’s study and practice.

Three video lessons for self-study.


P.S. Availability of one on one appointments depend on a first to book basis. The earlier you book, the greater opportunity to find an early appointment.