
Congratulations! You just found the world’s elegant and true imagination classes to create your Supreme life. Explore from topics of Self-Concept, Revision and Inner Speech to remold YOU.

My Services


One on One Coaching

> Master Your Revisions
> Changing of your Self Concept
> Master your Inner Conversations


Your Imagination, your desires and my process makes you live the kind of life you have always wanted to live.

Group Coaching

> Ongoing Coaching
> Past Coaching
> Future Coaching Agenda

One on One Coaching

In this coaching, I share eight prerecorded classes on the principles of imagining with you, share a practical workbook on how-to in operating your imagination. Then we have four One on One sessions on specific applications to your personal life and results.

A. Master Your Inner Speech

Use your mental diets to create anything you want.
350 4 Weeks Duration
  • Learn how to turn your doubts into faith
  • Develop how to live in the end
  • Apply using your inner conversations to create your life
  • Control your dreams and destiny.
  • Use a step-by-step approach to achieve controlled inner conversations

B. Master Your Revisions

Use your revisions to have DAILY results in all areas of your life
300 4 Weeks Duration
  • Make a daily creative and instant practice of revision
  • Change your life, change the lives of your loved ones, change the lives of strangers using Revision
  • Discover how to make your desires happen fast while living effortless
  • Learn how to revise assumptions mentally in the moment
  • Discover your true daily purpose of life

C. Master Changing Your Self Concept

Change your old beliefs about your life and get transformed inside out.
250 4 Weeks Duration
  • Apply self-observation to identify your old self-concept
  • Design your new life by a definition of aim
  • Practice the art of deliberately lifting yourself into higher states of consciousness
  • Master detachment to fast track the change of your life


In this coaching, I share eight prerecorded classes on the principles of imagining with you, share a practical workbook on how-to in operating your imagination. Then we have four One on One sessions on specific applications to your personal life and results.

21 Days of Imagination Exercise Monthly

In this coaching, I train you and a group of others on how to use your imagination in specific exercises. Your desires for the month are up to you. By combining these desires with my exercises, results are created.
50 Monthly
  • Price: $50/month
  • Bulk Price: $250/six months
  • Bulk Price: $450/year
  • Duration: Monthly Group Class


These bestselling books on the Imagination are written to be independent masterclasses for everyone who want to truly renew their whole life. You don’t get to be sick and tired of the old life before the new is created.

My Commitment

By following my process with your own desires, your results are inevitable.

This is the same promise I make to you. I know who I am. I am not assuring you anything outside of that but I am assuring you that by following the exact steps I have done unnumbered times, you too will create your results.  I can assure you that by following my process with your own desires, your results are inevitable. Your Imagination, your desires and my process makes you live the kind of life you have always wanted to live.


It is my vision that we have a world where everyone is imagining in perfect forms and imagining the loving experiences of life.


It is my joy and mission to see the whole world awakening, understanding and realizing that imagination creates reality.


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