A Divine Event 2
Reading Time: 5 minutesPart 1: https://adelereadesina.com/a-divine-event/ A Divine Event (2) When your eyes begin to open inwardly into the world of thought, into
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Reading Time: 5 minutesPart 1: https://adelereadesina.com/a-divine-event/ A Divine Event (2) When your eyes begin to open inwardly into the world of thought, into
Reading Time: 4 minutesChristmas is the proclamation of a divine event to which all creation aspires. It is an event which puts an
Reading Time: 31 minutesPower by Neville Goddard “The world would rather have the things created than the power to create.” – Neville Lecture
Reading Time: 2 minutesRevision by Neville Goddard Your present world reflects the sum total of all that you believe to be true of
Reading Time: 12 minutesThe Seven Eyes Of God by Neville Goddard Lecture 06-11-1959 …we must go on to higher and higher levels, for that is the purpose of the teacher.
Reading Time: 14 minutesAwakened Imagination by Neville Goddard Lecture 1954 As you have heard, this morning’s subject is “Awakened Imagination”. It is my theme for the entire series of nineteen lectures. Everything is geared
Reading Time: 20 minutesCatch The Mood by Neville Goddard You will find tonight’s message a very practical one. I don’t think it will disturb anyone, but there are adjustments to be made concerning what man believes God to
Reading Time: 10 minutesHOW TO USE YOUR IMAGINATION By Neville Goddard The purpose of this record is to show you how to
Reading Time: 13 minutesPruning Shears of Revision by Neville Goddard This morning’s subject is “The Pruning Shears of Revision”. I firmly believe that
Reading Time: 7 minutesChapter Four in Awakened Imagination by Neville Goddard THE PRUNING SHEARS OF REVISION The second Man is the Lord from