Worlds within Worlds of Man's Imagination  
Reading Time: 4 minutes

The divine man in you must become cultivated and attuned to his own inner world because there are worlds within worlds. Imagination is spiritual sensation. There are no known limits to the depth of imagination. See the best today; it will be the shallow waters tomorrow. See the limits today; it will be the starting point by the wise use of your imagination. At first, it seems only the world known by senses is subject to the experiments of our imagination. But your perception is the primary disguise of God in man, who is you indeed. Your creative fancy reaches beyond the borders of the senses.  


There are worlds within worlds. There are inner worlds and further inner worlds beyond that. This I know from experience. When you reach further, you will find that fiction has deeper roots than mere inventions of fancy. They are discoveries of realities in the mind, and the discoverer in these inner worlds is making stories whose ends are fully worked out become transitioned into the facts of life. He is doing it from the worlds within worlds, whether knowingly or unknowingly.  


Every tale, every drama is a completed play in one of these inner worlds. When the imagination enters the stage, the actors all come alive. In daily waking consciousness, you will perceive these actors and the story you have activated by imagination in your inner speech. Inner speech reveals your mental activity, and your mental activity is the brain, the coordinating centre of the whole world. You might have thought you were a part of the intelligence of the cosmos; but, in fact, your mental activity becomes the intelligence of the world. In a world, it is a story with all actors playing their roles. In another world, it is inner speech. In another world, it is circumstances. There are worlds within worlds, and you are able to wisely affect these worlds by moving in imagination through your mental activity.  

 In Neville’s lecture, he said, “This universe, vast as it seems, is only a part, for there are worlds within worlds. This platform is to encourage you to test it and create reality. You can create the conditions of your own world.” (Neville Goddard, Fawcett’s Letter 1959)  

Creating a Condition of My World  

Neville said you can create the conditions of your world. Well, I do that quite often. I will show you a simple matter of doing this from worlds within worlds.  


My wonderful son, Rian, is a beautiful gem that I met frequently in one of these worlds prior to his birth. Even before he began to kick in his mother’s womb, I would lay down to sleep in bed and imagine that I’m right in the formation with him. Then I’d speak with him, telling him, “In conclusion, you are all imagination, the sole creator and God of all worlds.” I did this frequently. One day, in my dream, he kicked so hard that I was delighted and placed my hands on him. He had not even started kicking in his mother’s womb at this time. I told my wife about these dreams. Then, soon, he began to kick that my wife felt it physically. Soon, I began to feel it, too. But one day arrived in this world that he made the exact same hard kick here as he did in my dream many weeks before. I told my wife: “That was exactly how he kicked in my dreams that I told you.”  


When Rian was born, I was the first hands he became quiet in. He responded to my voice with peaceful quiet. And ever since, he has preferred to be in my arms, observing everyone and everything from there. He is most familiar with the voice that spoke with him the earliest, that held his hands right in worlds within these worlds. 


This prince has such a look of wisdom and such an ambition of knowing his environment that even people notice it so obviously. A friend once said, “You can see he is very switched on, very intelligent and conscious from his eyes.” He is highly conscious. He has been learning about imagination from worlds within worlds.  


The operation of this world shows it is my mental activity that matters. Before he formed his eyes, his ears, even before I saw his face, I let him perceive me and learn delightfully about imagination there. You will no longer wait for the other. You will let your imagination set it in motion. Then let it unfold.  


A Future World within the Present 

Now, I have been letting him tell me in imagination that he learned the use of the power of beliefs to be rich from me and, applying it, he became even richer. This is well into the future in the setting; but, in my mental activity, it is now. This is such an important mental exercise so much that I included it in RICH by Your Imagination eBooks, both 1st Edition and 2nd Edition. 


Worlds within Worlds of Man's Imagination  

 I do not know Rian’s adult voice yet. I do not know Rian’s adult face yet. I do know he learned this, applied it and shared with me boastfully that he is richer by it.  

Seeing I must let him have his face, his voice, his understanding and his results in this manner, I did the whole thing in worlds within worlds.  


 People who are invisible to the senses are not lost to imagination, the spiritual sensation. Enter a world within worlds. Give it the conditions you want your world to take. Then, let it have these conditions in your imagination. In worlds within worlds, you can choose to see both those who have departed this shadow and those who will arrive here. Go beyond your ordinary perception and let your creative fancy think from ends that have implications of the wish fulfilled. You will change the relationships and conditions of all the worlds within worlds, and this world will reflect it, too. 

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