Top 3 Signs That You Haven’t Been a Doer

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Top 3 Signs That You Haven’t Been a Doer

Being a Doer of the Law is the greatest part of everything that has to do with manifestations. For example, a person can know everything intellectually, be able to analyse, compare and discuss the law of assumption. But the turning point, literally the turning point ↩️, Is when this person begins to DO what they know of the law.

Whilst I have hundreds of results using the law, I can tell from experience that the one thing which kept me from having more results at the beginning was that I didn’t do what I knew.

For example, I had read the Pruning Shears of Revision lecture since March 2021, but I never really started using it until September 2021 when I did an exercise with it. I knew it, I could even tell you the quantum physics explanations of it. But I was the same guy everyday.

One day, I heard a friend say, ‘Do what you say you’re going to do. Most people don’t do what they say they’re going to do, and it isn’t strange that most people are broke. Successful people talk the talk and walk the walk.’ That was my wake-up call. That was why I started doing it in September 2021, because I heard those words in August 2021.

From that time on, I had zero business with how quantum physics and revision were entangled, but my business of daily results affecting human life boosted! Pursue your quantum physics wisdom, but that’s not being a doer!

I had failed many desires because I wasn’t a doer. I was a talker for so long. And I want to show you the exact signs that indicate you are busy being a talker. Then you’ll understand why even though you’ve read all the books and lectures, you still didn’t have the results you wanted.

Sign #1: You Don’t Know and Decide the State You Slept In


How did you sleep last night? Did you consciously hold your ideal in mind? I’d be happy you did, but if you didn’t, revise it!

Let me elaborate a little. A person didn’t know the last dominating idea of their mind when they sleep night after night. Did you know this includes sleeping with guided meditations and it includes sleeping thinking OF all the things that will happen if only you get your desires? Well, they are not exactly sleeping in the state of your wish fulfilled. Now, I love sometimes to fall asleep listening to Neville’s lectures, especially the short clips. So I contemplate a single idea from that short clip on repetition. But if I actually want to imagine a wish fulfilled, that’s the last thing I’d do. I’d rather imagine that exact wish fulfilled and fall asleep in it. So, have you been a doer? If not, Revise right now that you are.

Sign #2: You Don’t Know the State of Your Day from the Morning

Strange? Yes, if in the morning, you couldn’t tell how your day WAS, you haven’t been doing the law. It’s not that complicated.

When I woke up today, I knew the state I was in. If I must revise it because I worried for the day, I’d simply do that. It is a part of my human experience to be upset about something, but I can intervene divinely by being a doer. Having revised it, if you asked me how was my day, I’d tell you exactly how my day went even though it’s still morning.

That’s being a doer. Are you?

Sign #3: Your Reactions to the Day Aren’t Ideal and They’ve Remained That Way for Long

Too long? It’s too long how you kept the same inner arguments going on with somebody for days, weeks, months even years. The same inner dialogue perpetuates the same state. A doer by experience knows that the casual inner dialogues of the day, they solidify into physical experiences. So, he forgives by way of revision and holds conversations that are noble in his consciousness. No one has to tell him the benefits of holding profitable and valuable conversations of his ideals in his mind. He reacts to life that way, the way which a nondoer wouldn’t.

Are you a doer?

This February was a breakthrough month for many people because they became doers of the law of assumptions. They got amazing results and took that life transformation they’ve been seeking.

Seekers seek.
Doers have!

Join the Challenge Now!

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