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Monye Anita
Day 7
When I was creating my phenomenal life of 2023, I was specific about being able to effortlessly afford, attend and benefit from all of the coaching courses of my coach Adelere Abiodun Adesina
The first manifestation was that I got a free ticket for his January coaching class and when February class was announced, I was excited because I had attended already in my imagination.
I was expecting a payment from a client whom I started working with from 9th of January. So, what is usually the case is that the payment would be prorated at the end of the month.
When the course started, I hadn’t gotten the fund. My coach chatted me up the next day saying he didn’t see me yet in class. I told him of the funds that was hanging and he said ” revise it’
I immediately did just that.
The next day, the money dropped and SHE PAID ME IN FULL AS THOUGH I WORKED FROM JANUARY 1ST.
The extra money she paid was exactly the amount for February coaching course . Isn’t it wonderful!
My Day 7 task is ;
Share a WIN.
Share another doer’s win that I love.
This is one of my many wins and I LOVE IT!