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Adelere 2024

Adelere – the Royal Imagination Coach

Recognise that your awareness is God's name in expression, and you shall have the basis to keep this name holy by identifying it with only the best of the best ideals in this world. - Adelere  


1. Origin


Adélérè was born in 1997 to an honest Nigerian family as the first son of his parents and the eldest to his three sisters by his parents. Raised to be comme il faut, Adélérè’s concepts of life were traditional and religious in his early days. They would eventually be what he had to die to in order to be born into his new life, recreating himself in his potter’s house and accomplishing his dreams way from childhood.


2. Encounter with the Law of Assumption 


In 2020 when Adélérè was faced with very critical circumstances of survival and achieving his dreams, he did not want to evade the responsibility for his life. He just graduated from the University of Ibadan with a B.Sc in Economics. But he observed that his dreams to be dignified in his contributions to the world, be happily married, have his wife enjoy full work-free married life, be financially independent, and have his freedom of time to enjoy with his family and for his personal hobbies could not be fulfilled within his former outlook of life. He also discovered that there was an effortless way to achieving personal goals for sure in his research in economics. He decided that before sharing his ideas for acceptance in the academia, he would find this effortless way and fulfil his personal objectives with it. 


This decision in mid-2020 led to the discovery of Neville Goddard in late-2020. Finding Neville was a shock to Adélérè. The central idea of Neville’s teachings that Imagination is God and that is who we are stood contrary to the former understanding Adélérè had of religion and spirituality. But determined in his quest for the effortless way, he gradually began to test the teachings to prove or disprove the idea. 


By 2022, he had become resigned to the study and practice of Neville Goddard’s teachings and references. Currently, his exclusive study library include: 


– The Bible

– Neville Goddard 

– William Blake

– Douglas Fawcett

– William B. Yeats 

– Other poets and speakers Neville referenced their works.


Thus, Adélérè found the law when he needed to achieve his goals and he wanted to discover the one effortless way his eight years of research led him to glimpse. Noticing that those who walk in this effortless way achieve all things they desire, he tested it and now knows what is possible with this law by experience.


3. Five Outstanding Results by Imagination in Adélérè’s World


If a thing may be working, its evidence can be found a few times. If a thing works certainly, the whole is its evidence. This law of assumption was applied by Adélérè to phenomenal results. These are five aspects of his life where these results are established by imagination only. They are outstanding results, even unrealistic when you consider them against what is rationally possible. 




This phenomenal result of Adelere followed the application of his inner speech to a simple objective: be happily married to a beautiful queen in and out. After initial setbacks with growing loving relationships into a marriage, he understood that only imagination can make it happen. He confidently applied an inner talking from the end of being married and sharing a lifetime companionship with ‘her’. In two weeks, she came into his life out of nowhere. Two years now and they have gone from dating to courting to now being happily married as a foremost royal family, and blessed with a Prince of peace.




The initial questions of Adélérè were, ‘How can I be financially successful so that I can achieve my other goals with it?’ Currently, not only did he discover that only imagination is required to achieve all those other goals by themselves but also did he accomplish the financial dreams beyond what he could rationally plan. For example, he planned on making two hundred thousand naira satisfactorily before getting married. This was a decent income for any middle class Nigerian given that the mininum wage was thirty thousand naira. But a few months later by the use of his imagination alone, he was making four million naira monthly right into his wedding. He figured that no rational means he knew in his best genius could bring such results effortlessly and concluded to stick to imagining further financial successes and teaching others so. 




Adélérè loved teaching from his childhood, but only ever believed he could be successful in touching lives with it if he taught in a university setting. When he learned the law, his fears associated to dreaming the greatest success in doing what he loves how he loves it were dispelled by grips of the feeling of the wish fulfilled. He quickly believed that he is a remarkably successful and inspiring teacher who students love to study and rise with. The phenomenal success of this mental experiment was outstanding. For example, he became the first Nigerian and African associate with Truecosmic.com, a reputable academy of metaphysics and Neville Goddard teachings in the 21st century. By his Imagination, he continues to reach more students showing them in spirit that all things are possible by their wonderful imagination. In all continents of the world except Antarctica, he is studied daily by many individuals and families through his various books and classes.




Growing up with conventional concepts of family, Adélérè always thought only by starting his own could he experience the model of love, respect and joy that he would have loved to see in his family of origin. With the discovery of the law, however, his attitude changed. He began to use the art of revision to see and feel honourable in his family, and to see everyone bringing out their best loveliness to the others. His family quickly transformed into a base of love and adoration, every member inspiring goodness and joy in the other. For example, the classic relationship Adélérè shared with his parents changed into a true blossom of joy, where he feels respected to be their son and they feel honoured to be his parents by an imaginal act he constructed while having breakfast in a restaurant. His persistence in that vision as true transformed a relationship that had a different texture to it for over two decades. 




The journey into the inner worlds, into the worlds of thought and feelings, into the worlds of Eternal Imagination brought a total change of attitude in Adélérè. Formerly a boy by his habitual and unconscious outlook, he began to accept that his imagination is God indeed, that he is the candle of the LORD. A series of mystical experiences broke forth in Adélérè, making him turn from his ways of putting God on the outside or even as a separate entity from himself. He turned to identifying that he is God, and so is everyone; that everyone is this infinite power and wisdom locked in a body. He realised that being in the human body for human experiences is not an excuse to underperform divinity but an opportunity to creatively champion the destinies of all human ideals. His confidence shot up. His courage became mighty. His concepts were renewed. One of his renewed concepts is the conviction that he is the King. He feels that life is the gift he gave and is giving Adélérè, and he feels that he is here to give Adélérè better than the best ever witnessed. He being one with Adélérè and he being God. He holds concepts such as he is the blessing of generations, that a sincere loving wish spoken in his ears is immediately done from heaven, and that he is the light of the world.


4. Methodology 


Adélérè teaches the law in three processes: revision, concepts and inner speech. These are three practical aspects that require daily attention, daily progress and a lifetime mastery. Neville spoke about each of these three processes as important in daily ongoing execution and observation. 


Concepts: he said, ‘We must practice separating ourselves from our negative moods and thoughts in the midst of all the troubles and disasters of daily life.’ (Fundamentals)


Revision: he said, ‘But you do it daily; if you do not prune it daily you will get out of the habit, then weeds will grow.’ (The Pruning Shears of Revision)


Inner Speech: he said, ‘So what are you saying at every moment of time? Watch it; be careful what you are saying, because your whole vast world is this inner conversation “pushed out.”’ (Control Your Inner Conversations)


Adélérè’s teachings encompass a practical understanding of these three processes to the point of daily and habitual applications. Thus, he offers the clear and distilled information on the principles of the processes. He also offers the practice and ongoing exercises of these principles in clear instructional steps. 


Adélérè reminds his students that they are the operant powers, and he does this both in words through his classes and in deeds through his own examples of applying the teachings. He shows in his personal applications and results that (i) it works, (ii) it has its own appointed hour and natural way of harvest, and (iii) persist faithfully, trusting the Lord. 


These attitudes are built into Adélérè’s students through his engagements with them. 


Adélérè’s classes are broadly hosted live via Zoom and made available for replays indefinitely for his students. He documents these processes and exercises in his books and workbooks. He receives both one-on-one interviews and group sessions to share his wisdom of the law of the Lord.


5. Orientation of Results


Adelere agrees with the sentiments of Neville on the roles of a teacher of Imagination in the world: ‘We must go on to higher and higher levels, for that is the purpose of the teacher.’ (The Seven Eyes of God) Adelere knows what it is like firsthand to not have and to have: to not have results in a life of old and to now have results in his new life. He has realised results on three distinct levels of experience, and he follows through with every of his dedicated students to witness such radical results in their own ways. 


A. Spiritual: 


Adelere recognises the shift from leaning on one’s rational and evidential understanding to trusting Imagination solely as the first true result of learning with him. He feels successful when his students have successfully moved from hoping, devising and plotting the means to constructing the end and assuming the wish fulfilled. Those who are spiritual in their walk in this human world amongst Adelere’s students are those he has felt the greatest success with. He also recognises as spiritual success the ability of students to be perceptual of their mystical experiences. Most importantly, when old concepts of God fall away and the only light of your world is You, he is fulfilled.


B. Mental/Psychological: 


Growing in wisdom is a very important result in Adelere’s world. Adelere is pleased with the success to witness his students experiencing an expansion of their psychological focus. When ideals are lifted to the highest, when understanding is refined to the loftiest and when the mental faculties of Imagination are built to the strongest in his students, Adelere delights. He loves to see his students producing results for themselves and for the world in boldness, with radical courage and through Godly-audacity. 


C. Physical/Material: 


Adelere loves to celebrate his students for their successful transformations of this world. It is the first testament available to the rest of the world that ‘Jesus Christ is your wonderful human Imagination’. He has shared and will continue to share the plenty success stories of his students in radically transforming their physical conditions by only the use of their Imagination. Adelere’s processes include nothing else, not a single step outside of IMAGINING THE WISH FULFILLED IN PERSISTENT ASSUMPTION! Thus, every win that follows according to the applications of his teachings is to him ‘God giving glory to himself in the world of men.’


Here is the fabulously great Man and King, Adelere