Success Story 1

Reading Time: 2 minutes

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Adelere Adesina

My Case Histories I

I am a Doer, and one of the lessons I’m acting upon from my Teacher is to Share my Stories. Today is the first, and I would like to share one story everyday for the rest of February.

He said to me, ‘Share your experience with another that they may share theirs.’ So, I believe that as I share this, you’d also take your moment to share your story or stories with me and the world on adelereadesina.com/submit-entry.

My First Story: My Resolution Came to Pass

Or would I rather say ‘My Supreme Life is now Reality.’ This is what has happened. Last year December 2022, I had my 21 Days of Imagination Exercises. One of the things I wanted for 2023 was to receive success stories on a daily basis from my students, successes which are life accomplishments for them. This is my career desire. Since I am the Supreme Imagination Coach, this desire is one of my true wishes.

I created this inner speech, ‘Isn’t it wonderful that I have had daily, instant and recurring life stories in my students in 2023?’

Now, this is February 6th, and I am writing this at noon. Would you believe that I received news from my friend and student Lis who wanted to move to a new home. She sent just one sentence: ‘We are all settled in our new home xx.’

I received news yesterday about my students from the Weekend Millionaires Club who now have a 10x quality of lifestyle than they did before.

I received news two days ago about my doer student and friend, Sevtap, who received a brand new IPhone 14 from the Ministry in her country, a desire she has had from last year.

I received news three days ago that my student for December Create Your Supreme Life who wants to have supernatural receiving has been receiving exceptional gifts that mean a lot back to back.

I received news four days ago, that’s Thursday 2nd February that my student who had to manage financially to join my coaching Imagination Creates Money is receiving her fourth coaching with abundance of money. She wants coaching and she’s having her fourth in the space of 3 months without financial strain, but abundance.

My student who for all her adult life worked hard and had little care for herself has transformed so much that you’d think it’s magic, and 2nd February was her birthday. She was all gorgeous, adorable Queen and so much transformed from how she was one year ago.

My student accomplished the foremost business advisor on HR for the Ministry above all competitions just in this year.

My student’s son remains a champion in his studies and she’s all the fulfilled mother she loves to be.

My student is now overseas to further his studies, his burning desire that we mastered imagining over the last quarter of last year.

My student left welfare forever and has recorded instant sales and increasing income. Reminds me of when I left dependency and experienced instant overflowing money.

I have only recounted some of the incredible daily stories that I have received in just the first 37 days of 365 days in 2023.

So, I have a desire for 2023. And I have been accomplishing it without lifting a finger, just by my inner speech: Isn’t it wonderful that I have had daily, instant and recurring life stories in my students in 2023?


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