Reading Time: 3 minutesAppearances That which is confronting you in your world now is the result of your past thoughts, beliefs, feelings
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Reading Time: 3 minutesAppearances That which is confronting you in your world now is the result of your past thoughts, beliefs, feelings
Reading Time: 2 minutesBe Observant The importance of objectively observing your thoughts cannot be stressed enough. It is easy to slip into
Reading Time: < 1 minuteDesire Desire is a gift of God. Man is required to do nothing more than accept the gift by simply
Reading Time: < 1 minuteChoice—Free Will Creation is finished and you have free will to choose the state you will occupy. Therefore, it is
Reading Time: 3 minutesConscious Use of the Law At this time, I’m going to talk about who I am and what I am
Reading Time: 2 minutes How The Law Works The law of identical harvest or cause and effect is impersonal and can be used
Reading Time: 7 minutesOne Cause Nothing is impossible! There are two ways to interpret this statement – both of which are correct. The
Reading Time: 4 minutesImagination Creates Reality Your own wonderful human imagination is the actual creative power of God within you. It is your