Reading Time: 2 minutesDESIRE THE CHANGES which take place in your life as a result of your changed concept of yourself always appear
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Reading Time: 2 minutesDESIRE THE CHANGES which take place in your life as a result of your changed concept of yourself always appear
Reading Time: 4 minutesPOWER OF ASSUMPTION MAN’S CHIEF delusion is his conviction that there are causes other than his own state of consciousness.
Reading Time: 3 minutesCONSCIOUSNESS IT IS only by a change of consciousness, by actually changing your concept of yourself, that you can
Reading Time: 3 minutesI AM Leave the mirror and change your face. Leave the world alone and change your conceptions of yourself.
Reading Time: 9 minutesCase Histories This Story concerns a woman (who will be referred to as Mrs. A.B). She knew that “imagination
Reading Time: 2 minutesYour Real Purpose God became you so completely that he forgot that he was God. In becoming man, God reached
Reading Time: 2 minutesThe Play As Shakespeare said, “All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players. They have
Reading Time: 2 minutes States Of Consciousness All states exist and are a fixed part of creation. Anyone can enter a state
Reading Time: 2 minutesRevision Our present world reflects the sum total of all that you believe to be true of yourself and others.
Reading Time: 2 minutesInner Conversations All of us are mentally speaking within ourselves every waking moment. Our inner conversations must match the wish